Shaping the way we live and move - safe, smart, sustainable

Bekaert’s ambition is to be the leading partner for shaping the way we live and move, and to always do this in a way that is safe, smart, and sustainable. As a global market and technology leader in material science of steel wire transformation and coating technologies, Bekaert ( also applies its expertise beyond steel to create new solutions with innovative materials and services for markets including new mobility, sustainable construction, and energy transition. Founded in 1880, with its headquarters in Belgium, Bekaert (Euronext Brussels, BEKB) is a global technology company whose 21 000 employees worldwide together generated € 4.0 billion in consolidated sales in 2024.

You might know us as the global market leader of advanced rubber reinforcement solutions — 25% of all tires in the world are reinforced with Bekaert steel cord.

Or maybe you know our Dramix® steel fibers, used to reinforce over 10 million cubic meters of concrete annually. Dramix® is a proven low-carbon concrete solution which reduces the CO2 emissions of construction projects by 20 to 50%, compared to traditional steel solutions. 

Did you know Bekaert is a technology leader in solutions that drive the green energy shift?  

  • Bekaert has established a technology and market leadership position in porous transport layers for electrolysis technologies with the brandname Currento®. 
  • Our Bezinox® cable armoring solution protects sub-sea power cables that transfer electricity from offshore wind farms ashore. 
  • Our steel and synthetic mooring ropes connect anchors on the seabed to floating offshore wind turbines and eliminate the need for extensive foundations. 

Moreover, we offer a very wide range of advanced solutions for various other sectors. You can find Bekaert products in cars and trucks, in elevators and mines, in tunnels and bridges, at home and in the office, in machines and offshore. If it drives, ascends, hoists, filters, reinforces or fastens, there is a good chance Bekaert is inside.